Betrayal – Lessons Learned

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You know that feeling when you are at your peak of happiness; you have your dream job, you have an amazing circle of family & friends and you are madly in love. Then suddenly life decides to throw you a massive ball of chaos just before the year ends… BAM! Then all the happy elements, disappear.

Life, you are such a party-pooper.

It has been three months since that unfaithful night. What a roller coaster ride indeed.

You see, betrayal can impact a person so much more than you can imagine. It changes their outlook and personality. Once a person has been brutally hurt, emotionally, they start building up stronger walls to keep everyone away. Because, how you can trust a person now, when someone you never thought of hurting you will be the one to aim the bullet AT YOU.

What happened three months ago has taught me so much things, it made me the person I am today. So here are a few lessons I learned along the way…

You can never control someone’s loyalty.

No matter how good you treat them or how much you love them, it will never mean that they will treat and value you the same.

Do not seek loyalty from people who can’t even give you honesty.

Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least.

Betrayal never comes from your enemies.

Everything happens for a reason. There’s no such thing as accidents. The people who betray you are part of the plan. Keep in mind, Jesus couldn’t get to the cross without Judas.

A good heart, is blind to see the bad in others.

So darling, forgive yourself for not being able to see the bad within them. Nobody is perfect.

Love all. Trust few. Everything’s real but not everyone’s true.

Always trust your gut instinct. Our body can naturally pick up bad vibrations. So if you feel like something is wrong, then something is wrong. 

Not every one you lose is a loss.

You eventually gain more – lessons, blessings and opportunities. 

Forgive and Forget.

Learn to forgive as this will set you free from their power. Forget what happened but always remember the valuable lesson your learned. 

Keep moving forward.

God has a purpose for all the pain and a reason for the struggle. Trust in Him and He will reward your faithfulness.

With all my love,


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